Hello, my name is Idris Awad.

I am an IT security, AI, WEB3, Blockchain and Tech enthusiast,

with a passion for:

- Creating,

- Breaking,

- and Fixing things.

I have a diverse background, having worked as a tattoo artist, grayhat hacktivist, and a martial arts 剛柔流 sempai.

My interests and skills have led me to explore the ever-evolving world of technology and security,

and I am excited to share my projects and contributions with the community.

Languages I understand:








Systems I like play with:











Kali Linux

Misc with focus on Pirvacy,


Ethical Hacking,



Deep Learning,


To check the Projects, whats Inspired me, Visit my My Github Forks.


GPT-3⅓ is a language generation model which has been trained on a diverse range of internet text, and can generate human-like text on a wide variety of topics.

GPT-3⅓ is a Deep Learning chatbot in Python that can learn from the internet and remember every sentence it has talked. It has been trained on a diverse range of internet text, and can generate human-like text on a wide variety of topics, inspired, by and created of the methodology, of OpenAIs GPT-3.

If you Interested check the GPT-3⅓ Documentation.

A blockchain is a decentralized, digital ledger that records data, like transactions across a network of computers.

Each block in the chain contains a number of data, and every time a new input is added, it is added to the most recent block. Once a block is added to the chain, the information in it cannot be altered, making it a secure way to record and transfer information. The most well-known example of a blockchain is the one that underpins the cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, and Ethereum. Blockchain Types:
- Public Blockchains. Public blockchains are permissionless in nature, allow anyone to join, and are completely decentralized
- Private (or Managed) Blockchains.
- Consortium Blockchains.
- Hybrid blockchains.

If you Interested check my Blockchain-in-Python, and my Blockchain-in-JavaScript Documentation

Penetration testing, also known as "pentesting" or "ethical hacking," is the practice of simulating a cyber attack on a computer system, network or web application to evaluate the security of the system.

he goal of pentesting is to identify vulnerabilities in the system that could be exploited by an attacker, and to assess the overall security posture of the system.

Pentesters use a variety of tools and techniques to test the system, including automated scans, manual testing, and social engineering. They may also use techniques such as network sniffing and vulnerability exploitation to gain access to sensitive data or disrupt system operations. The results of a pentest are typically used to improve the security of the system by patching vulnerabilities, improving security controls, and providing recommendations for better security practices.

If you Interested in Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking check my Tools Github.

Misc with focus on Pirvacy, Security, Ethical Hacking, and Technologies like Blockchain, WEB3, GPT-3, Deep Learning, etc.

To check the Projects, whats Inspired me, Visit my My Github Forks.

AI-sha is a Deep Learning Chatbot is an AI-powered chatbot that uses GPT-3 to generate responses to user inputs.

If you want find out more about AI-sha, visit AI-sha Github Repository.

Specs My Stuff My Forks